**Before you start watching go to the bottom of the screen and hit the "pause" button so you can hear**
I wanted to create a page where you could get to know us a little better. I am by no means a good video taker, actually sometimes these videos are a little like the Blair Witch Project and sometimes there are a couple of choice words. Nothing horrible of course :) but still... I think these video's will allow you some insight to our personalities that you just can't get from pictures!
This video is of Artie the day I brought her home. She hasn't changed much except she is a little bigger. Her attitude is still the same!
We recently went up to Idaho to get a new member of the family, a new truck! While traveling through Montana I took some video of the scenery and of Greg. It was a blast!
This video is from Christmas 2011. I just kinda condensed it all down into a small video with Greg, Artie, Brutus and I opening our gifts! It was a fun morning, I look rough so if you can get past that then you'll enjoy ;)!
This video is of my cousin Devin and I making our first cake with our homemade fondant. It's gets pretty silly at times but you have to realize that it's like 10 at night and for me that's late. And the later it gets the sillier I become! We really have evoled in to pretty good decorators but this first attempt is one for the books!
This was taken at my 24th birthday party last year. Devin and my friend Jessica were there along with my mom, dad and little brother. It was a blast! Greg totally suprised me and had my cousin help get it all decorated and set up so when I walked in that night I had no clue what was going on! My husband is the best!
Well that's it for now. I will do my best to keep my camera at the ready and record any other crazy moment in our life that occurs!