Thursday, May 26, 2011


OK so 90% of the paperwork and online stuff is done! I'm so happy. I am just waiting for some insurance information  and then we'll be done! WAHOO!! Then we have training on the 17th and 18th of June and then hopefully our back ground checks will have been completed by then and we can get on the market!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Update to the update...

So after hours of searching for my social security card and tearing the house apart and getting upset and retracing my steps and going through the garbage. Greg comes home and says "Oh yeah, I forgot I put it up in the filing cabinet"... Needless to say he is in some MAJOR hot water. I was so happy/ ticked off that I started to cry and then he felt bad but still! ugh!! oh and P.S. He knew I had been looking for it ALL day.

Meeting Update :)

Hi all I thought I'd pop on for a sec and let you know that we had our meeting and it went well. We got all the information in and answered all our questions right so we are offically clients. I just need to find my damn Social security card so they can send in our background checks. I had it pulled out a week ago so I could go get a replacement drivers license and now that I need it its MIA , We also got the other forms so we can go get our physicals and turn in our financial records and our past taxes and also Birth certificates and marriage certificates. Its a little overwhelming but I'm ready to tackle it. There is also a bunch of online stuff that we need to do as well so yup I'm having a moment. But the caseworker yesterday was like ok you'll pay your $1,000 today and that is good for a year so don't drag your feet on getting everything done. She said that some couples got going and then just got discouraged and let it go. Well NO problem there! Starting next week I plan to have almost all of it completed. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1st Meeting!

Ok so we had a small delay from our bishop... He took a little while sending in his letter but thankfully LDSFS called and reminded him of it :) After they got the letter they asigned us a caseworker and she called a day or two later and we now have our first intake meeting on Thursday! I'm so excited!! I think after talking with our caseworker it finally hit me that HOLY COW, We ARE adopting!! I mean I know our end result is still a little ways off but I'm just so happy to be moving along! Once I know more from our meeting I will share on here!