Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh My Goodness... It's the middle of January !

Wow! It's amazing to me how fast the time flys when you older! Doesn't it seem like when your little a year is FOREVER! And then you grow up and realize that a year can go by and you don't even feel like you have had a chance to blink.  For me that's how the years keep feeling. They go by so fast. You get caught up with the day to day plans and before long your onto the next month and then you tuen around and half the year has gone by!
Well, one of the resolutions that I made this year was to try and take each moment as them come and enjoy them and try to live in the moment as best I can and not always be looking to the next appt, or the next big thing I have planned. I want to enjoy my lazy days with Artie, I want to hold onto that feeling of her being cuddled up next to me. And hopefully that will put a little more meaning into my year.
My other resolution is to spend more time with old friends. Instead of always saying, "Oh we should get together sometime and chat" then never really doing it I am commiting to holding up that promise and actually doing it. Life is to short to not stop and enjoy the friends you have around you.
I didn't bother making a resolution to lose weight. I figured with my track record of making it every year and then putting myself through hell when I don't reach my goal was at an end. If I lose weight GREAT I won't complain but I'm not about to start killing myself off either... Although if I could find me a good Zumba class I would be happy. I love Zumba :)
I guess my point to all of this is take time to enjoy the little things and try to commit those things to memory so they will stay with you for a lifetime!

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