Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Update... not much of one but an update all the same ;)

So my bishop pulled me aside 2 Sundays ago and said that he had gotten the letter from the adoption agency and that he still needed to fill it out and send it in. He apologized and said that he had been out of town and that was why he hadn't done it yet..... sigh. I just told him that it's all good and to just fill it out and send it in sometime soon because as soon as he does that then we get a call from them and we get to start meeting with them and really get going! SO as of 3:33 pm on wednesday the 26th of April I'm waiting for that phone call still.... :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


Ok well the papers are turned in and the fun of waiting begins. I turned them in last week and then called my bishop just to say that his letter would be coming his way shortly. Now it's just waiting, and waiting some more :) but you know I'm ok with it. WOW can't believe I just said that. But really I think I am. Greg and I are busy with the everyday stuff and just having fun trying to keep our heads above water and so we just get to sit back and dream about what our life will be like once we have a child in the house. It was funny the other day we were remarking on how quiet and peaceful the house is and I turned to him and said "Now you know when we have a baby in here it's not gonna be so quiet anymore, right?" and it looked and me and said without missing a beat "Well it's a good thing I'm going deaf then isn't it? " Gotta love him :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


OK so here is a small summary of what happened. We got a bunch of paperwork to fill out and also got a sheet that I have to have our infertility doctor document and sign saying that we tried all options and are either left with IVF or adoption. Then they told us that after we get the papers filled out that they gave us we take them into the office and then they will send a letter to our bishop so that he can give us a recommendation. Then when they get that back we will have a meeting were they will go over all our stuff and get all the information for a background check. They will do couples interviews and individual interviews as well. Then they will send out someone for the home study while we are waiting for the background check to come back. When that comes back then we get to make a webpage basically about Greg and I for the birthmom to see and then we go on the market. Somewhere in there in the middle of June we have training that we have to attend. But so far so good. They lady was kinda a downer about the whole thing. I mean I know your not supposed to get your hopes up and that the birthmom can change her mind even after the baby has been born but she was like "don't even put together a nursery" and all I could think about was well if we don't and then we get a baby where the heck are they gonna sleep? You guys know me I'm a planner so We'll see how that part plays out... Right now I just have to finish up the papers and drop them off tomorrow and then talk to my RE in the morning and then talk to my bishop on sunday. SO Thats it in a nutshell :) I'm exhausted its been a crazy day so I'm going to crash! Thanks you guys for listening and for being on the crazy ride with greg and I , it means alot to us!